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The Island of Bhola, situated in the delta of the Lower Megnha in Southern Bangladesh, is the largest island in Bangladesh, and has over 1.6 million inhabitants. The greatest challenge at Bhola is severe river erosion, leading to an annual loss of 500-1000 hectares of land, homestead and livelihood of many families as well as loss of associated water management infrastructure. Subsequent effects of loss of infrastructure are regular flooding, inundation and saltation.

The project aims to substantially increase safety and security for the Bhola community by improving the water management infrastructure. The project partners work on the development of a design for construction and implementation of a complete water management rehabilitation infrastructure for Bhola amounting in total to approximately EUR 50 million.

TechForce has successfully applied for funding under the Dutch ORIO scheme for the funding of this project (100% in the development phase and 50% in the implementation phase). In addition, we assist in overall project coordination between project partners, funding agencies and stakeholders.

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Jeroen Speelman

Author Jeroen Speelman

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